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Monday, June 24, 2013

Darkness cannot cover light.

The thing about darkness is that all you need is the smallest sliver of light and the darkness is dispelled. That's fascinating to me. You can't really cover light with darkness. The light is still there shining, you just can't see it.

I was thinking about that when I was watching the Super Moon at the beach last night. These big dark clouds kept covering up our view of the moon, but the moon was there behind the clouds. It wasn't shining as brightly or as visible, but certainly it was still there. Then, when the clouds moved, the moon shone brighter than ever shining on the ocean water. It was spectacular.

So when you feel that darkness (negative thought, worry anxiety, etc.) in your life, remember that the light is still there. You just have to look for that small glimmer.
How do you do that?

By thinking about one, just one thing you’re thankful for in your life. I know it’s hard. You don’t want to be thankful when you’re in the negativity. You don’t feel thankful and honestly you don’t want to. I know this because I had it happen to me last week.

BUT, if you can force yourself to look at what’s good in your life, (it can be the smallest thing. Like having air conditioning on a hot June day in Florida) you can break through the darkness. That one little glimmer as your heart FEELS the appreciation is all you need. Then think of another thing and another and another until it’s like an avalanche of appreciation and the darkness goes. If must because once light is there darkness is not.

May light shine brightly in your life. Remember, darkness cannot cover light!

Have a wonderful day!

Mari Mitchell Porter, CPC
Relationship and Life Coach
954 243-7297