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Thursday, November 22, 2012


Appreciation takes being in the NOW, leaving the past behind, forgetting about tomorrow.
What’s great about your life right NOW?
What beauty surrounds you?
Who's loving eyes do you behold?
What’s right with your life TODAY in this instant?
What’s music to your ears?
What makes your heart sing?
Who adores you?
Who makes your heart swell with love?

HAPPY THANKSGIVING and may your heart overflow with appreciation today and every day.

I thank each one of you for enriching my life, for the love I feel from you and for the joy you bring to me.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Releasing Worry

Worry is like a black cloud bogging me down, clouding my mind, keeping me prisoner to what I don’t’ want. As I let go, the black cloud rises, leaving me feeling lighter, carefree and ready for all goodness to engulf me fully. I’m glad to be alive and part of this wonderful Universe filled with all I want and desire. I embrace the good, the miracles that are evident in my life and I keep that black cloud away by maintaining my focus on the best always.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

You Deserve Abundance

Abundance is not deserved or earned. It is already part of you. - Mari Mitchell Porter

What are you excuses for not having abundance? 

Because you don't have a degree?
Because  you do what you love and it's not really possible make money doing what you love?
Because you  hear others say how hard they work for their money?
Because you don't believe you make a good living at what you do?
Becaue the economy is bad?
Because others tell you you're not working hard enough?
Because your family doesn't come from money?

The truth is: You ARE worthy of all abundance just because you exist.
It's yours for the taking. You don't have to do anything to PROVE you deserve abundance.
You don't have to do anything or everything perfectly.
You don't have to suffer.
You don't have to wait.
You don't have to be patient.

Abundance is yours because you exist, because you want it and Source is offering it to you.

But, to receive this abundance you must truly believe it's yours for the taking and that requires a change in your belief system. You haven't allowed abundance into your life because of false beliefs. Because you haven't felt deserving of it. Because you refuse to believe how loved, adored, cherised and wanted you really are.

Abundance is here for you. Just open yourself to receive the abundance that is already yours. 
Just open up to it and watch abundance like you've never know before or imagined come into your life..


Mari Mitchell Porter, CPC
Certified Professional Coach
954 243-7297