What happened to 2010? Even more so, how did we get from 1970 to 2011 so quickly?
As we grow older we sometimes begin to feel we have wasted our lives and may think:
If I were only 20 years old again, I would do so many things differently. I'd be rich by now. I'd be wiser. I'd be stronger. I'd be healthier. I'd be happier. I would have honored the important things in life sooner.
Impossible I say. We couldn't possibly have known everything we know back then.. It took all these years to learn the values, concepts and revelations we have now.
What we can do is decide RIGHT NOW to live our lives without compromise of our beliefs and values. That we will live our lives to the fullest and on OUR terms. That we will be ourselves and stop playing it safe.
Many of us begin reflecting today on what we intend to do for the New Year.
Some common goals may be:
lose weight
be more productive
learn to draw
be a better mateget a new job
be a better listener
eliminate clutter
These are good goals for us to have.
I encourage you however to make New Year's goals without reservation.
Make your list and GO CRAZY. Anything is possible if you believe it can be.
Some say the sky is the limit.
Only our own limited thinking can stop us.
What about goals like:
Write that book that's been in your head for years. (even though you've never written before).
Train for that marathon you've always wanted to run (even though you think you're too old and out of shape).
Run for office (even though you think no one knows who you are).
Start that business (even though everyone tells you how bad the economy is).
Change your career (even though you've been in your current one for 20 years and it feels comfortably boring).
Move to another country (even though the thought terrifies you).
Have a baby (even though you hear how bad the economy is and you fear not being able to provide)
Do what you dream of doing no matter how CRAZY it sounds to you (and to others).
In order to do that however, you have to know what your wildest dreams are.
I suggest you take some quiet time and ask yourself:
If I were to go for my wildest dreams, what would I do? Where would I be? Who would I be with?
What would my life look like?
Then write all the answers that come to you.
From those responses you can create your list of goals form the New Year.
I hope you'll join me in making 2011 the most exciting and prosperous year yet.
Happy New Year and I wish you much prosperity and success in 2011.
Mari Mitchell Porter
Certified Life Coach
I love this, Mari! Thank you for that inspiration! :) This is exactly what I plan to do!