My father has been gone for close to twenty years now, but the traits he modeled will span generations. They will carry through my children and their children. He taught me the importance of family, a good work ethic, and appreciating being an American. He immigrated to this country so his children would have a better life and he succeeded in this desire.
We often focus on the negative traits our fathers bear; their insensitivity or indifference, their prejudices or complaining. They are not perfect any more than we are yet we sometimes demand they stand up to our scrutiny.
On this Father’s Day I want to bring our focus to the good each father brings to the family. Their persistence in going to work and support our families, their leadership at little league, the boy scouts or other organizations, their encouragement as we begin a new project as we start a new career, their joy as we get married, bear children and begin to see thing more their way.
I sometime hear people say “I never want to be like my father.” They have good reason for saying this because they are focusing on what they don’t like about their dad. I am proud to be like my father because in spite of any failings or character defects, he loved me and my sister and did his best to give us a great life. I hope you can say the same about yours.
Mari Mitchell Porter, CPC
Personal Growth Coach, Relationship Coach, Writer, Speaker
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