"Every morning when you wake up you are literally being born anew and afresh. Every day there are new things on your mind, people to meet, things to do. As you wake up and start your day, you need not think of the past and remember mistakes; instead focus upon the future and what you will create." From "Living with Joy" by Sanaya Roman.
As you wake up each morning you can set a good mood for the day.
How you may ask?
By focusing your thoughts on what new, exciting things you can look forward to this day.
For example:
Projects you want to start.
New people you wish to meet.
Setting goals for yourself.
You can also set a bad mood by focusing on the mistakes you've made, the things that have gone wrong, or negative words people have spoken. Rehashing the unpleasant, the embarrassing, the pain and rejection much like a cow regurgitating food.
Will you have a bad day or a good day? It's your choice.
If early in your day you accept that this is a brand new day, the past is over and all you have control over is your present and future, then anything is possible for you TODAY.
Keep you mind on the good, keep your thoughts hopeful, let negative comments run off your back like water down a slide. Expand your possibilities, plan for success. Take small steps that will take you towards your dreams.
It's your choice. TODAY.
I hope you make it a great one.
Actions steps:
1. Early in the morning or sometime during the day make a list of anything that is troubling you.
2. Set aside some time right then, or later if necessary, to brainstorm three things you could do to solve the issue or problem.
3. Make a commitment to yourself to do one of the three things on your list within 24 hours.
4. Now turn your thoughts to the good things in your life. What you love, enjoy, appreciate, what makes you happy.
Mari Mitchell Porter, CPC
Certified Life Coach
954 243-7297 http://lifecoachmari.com/
If you're looking for support and guidance in making your life what you want it to be, contact me for your free initial consultation.