How often have you heard someone tell you of something negative that happened and you responded with: “That’s the story of my life.” You knew what they went through, felt the same disappointment and re-lived your own negative experiences in that moment. That phrase is imbued with negative connotations.
But what is The Story of Your Life?
Much like a book, the story of your life is what scripts you play in your head, what you expect, what you visualize for yourself. You write the story with every thought, emotion and expectation.
The question then becomes. What do you want the story of your life to be?
Do you want it to be a terrible tragedy like “Titanic”?
A success story like “Rocky”?
Or, a romantic comedy like, “When Harry met Sally”?
You can begin to write the story of your life TODAY by choosing to think about what you want your life to be like. Put worries aside. Quench fears. Stop pessimistic thinking. Do not partake in gossip, criticizing or judging. Focus on the good already in your life and multiply the positive that comes to you.
Regardless of your age, whether you’re 18 or 98, see life through the eyes of a child: full of wonder, adventures, opportunities and fun.
Wake up ready to face the day with enthusiasm, joy and great expectation.
Action Steps:
1) Write a story of what you want your life to look like. Write it as a movie script where you are the star. Write about the dreams you will fulfill, the places you will visit, the people you will spend time with, the activities that you will do.
2) After your story is complete ask yourself: What steps must I take to begin living the life I want?
3) Write 3 actions steps you can take RIGHT NOW and do them.
I work with people to transform their lives into what they want. Contact me at or visit my website for more information.
Mari Mitchell-Porter, CPC